A premium currency used for essential activities within Slime Haven! Use it to breed your slimes, Buy Slimes from the marketplace And many more! You can obtain these from fulfilling daily quests!

Creo Engine (CREO)
A core currency of the creo engine ecosystem. You can convert your love cakes into Creo to cash out and earn income!
Rogue Turn Based Strategy!

Strategy with Endless Variety!
Utilize a vast array of skill cards to gain an upper hand in battle. Each card has its own strengths and weaknesses, and one good move could easily turn the tide of battle in your favour. Each card tells a story, and gives you a glimpse of the colourful world of Slime Haven!
Love is all sorts of things, but it’s something quite special especially when it comes to your very own slimes!
Your slimes have affection, which can affect the way they are in combat! Be sure to check in on them from time to time so they know you care!
There are all sorts of combinations when it comes to breeding. In fact, it’s nearly endless! Breed your slimes and find out what colourful and adorable offspring’s you’ll get!


CreoPlay Cross Interoperability!

Your slimes can be used within Evermore Knights as assistants in battle! Your slimes aren’t just lovely pets, but they’re travellers in-between worlds of all shapes and sizes! The Creoverse opens a lot of possibilities for you and your adorable little friends!

Get your first SLIME and start fighting!
You need to have at least FOUR SLIMES to start the game in SLIME HAVEN. You could get it in various ways :
(1).purchasing on NFT market
(2).purchase from other players
(3).purchase SLIME eggs.